Taxi from Kusadasi to Didyma Miletus Priene

Taxi from Kusadasi to Didyma Miletus Priene Taxi from Kusadasi to Didyma Miletus Priene Taxi from Kusadasi to Didyma Miletus Priene Taxi from Kusadasi to Didyma Miletus Priene Taxi from Kusadasi to Didyma Miletus Priene Taxi from Kusadasi to Didyma Miletus Priene Taxi from Kusadasi to Didyma Miletus Priene Taxi from Kusadasi to Didyma Miletus Priene Taxi from Kusadasi to Didyma Miletus Priene Taxi from Kusadasi to Didyma Miletus Priene Taxi from Kusadasi to Didyma Miletus Priene Taxi from Kusadasi to Didyma Miletus Priene
1 hour and 50 minutes


Priene at the base of an escarpment of Mycale (modern Mt. Samsun inside the Dilek Peninsula National Park), used to be a major coastal city. Its harbour has since been silted up by the Meander River. It was the earliest town built on a grid plan. Priene was a member of the Ionian League, and is believed to have had 4,000-5,000 inhabitants at its peak.

Miletus Miletus (Turkish: Milet), the greatest and the wealthiest of the Greek cities before the Persian invasion of the 6th century BC, was another major harbour city, its sailors having founded a huge number of colonies

Didyma was the sanctuary of Miletus, from where visitors approached by following a sacred path of 17 km on foot. Modern Didim, formerly a village named Yenihisar surrounding the ancient site, has been developed as a resort town in the 1980s. It is now centred around the Altınkum ("golden sand") beach south of the original village.

Ephesus taxi is at your service for transportation from Kuşadası to Didyma Apollo Temple. If you are looking for a comfortable and luxurious service, Ephesus Taxi is the right address for you. Ephesus taxi provide 24/7 taxi service and avoiding traffic where possible and making sure that your route runs as smoothly as possible. Our taxi service offers you  the yellow taxi range from 4 seats to 6-8 at best Price. Our professional and friendly driver who will be driving a fully insured regulated vehicle pick you up on time. Our drivers give you information about the destination along the way and ensure a safe journey. The sum of the distance of these three historical places is 100 km and the journey time is 1 hour and 50 minutes. We wish you have a nice journey.

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Taxi from Kusadasi to Didyma Miletus Priene

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